our mission

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The feeling of unbelonging birthed Treeture.

After ten years of professional performance experience and a lifetime of trying to fit in with the world around them, the time came for Evienne and Genevieve Zander to accept that they were weirdos, and that they could never be anything other than themselves. Resigned to this admission, they concluded their only option to keep pushing on as artists in this world was to take matters into their own hands and create their own vessel through which their art, eccentricity, dedication, and integrity could flourish and be shared with others. Thus, with crazy looks in their eyes, Treeture was born. 

Treeture is a performance company dismantling the traditional theatrical experience by eliminating the proscenium stage and transforming the audience from viewers into players and participants. Through acting, dance, and immersive activities, our stories are told by world-class performers of all backgrounds and skill sets.